Gaudium IVF Partners with FundTQ for Fundraising Success

More than 15% of married couples in India struggle to conceive, making infertility a serious health concern. Over 40 million couples in a nation of over 1.4 billion people deal with this issue. Infertility can result from a number of problems, including pollution, smoking, drinking alcohol, erectile dysfunction, damaged sperm ducts, and disorders related to genes. Infertility is also caused by endometriosis, PCOS, postponed marriages, hectic lifestyles, and other conditions, particularly in women.

About IVF Industry

One of the fastest-growing sectors in India is IVF, which was valued at an astounding $793 million in 2020 and is projected to rise at a rate of 16% per year to reach $3.7 billion by 2030. The business is severely under-penetrated in India, with addressable demand being nine to twelve times higher than the present market, according to a private analysis by FundTQ, the country’s top mid-market investment bank. In addition, India remains a preferred destination for medical tourism due to the nation’s abundance of first-rate hospitals and knowledgeable reproductive specialists.

Branded IVF chains are expanding as a result of heightened regulatory scrutiny, such as that brought about by the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Bill. Many small IVF clinics around the nation closed when the ART Bill was passed, which allowed controlled PAN India IVF chains to grow.

More than 2,500 IVF facilities are already operating in India in an effort to meet the rising demand. While the number is gradually increasing in both tier-1 and tier-2 cities, the unmet demand is being addressed by specialized IVF chains like Indira IVF, Gaudium IVF, Nova IVF, and Oasis Fertility in addition to multi-speciality hospital chains like Cloud9, Apollo, and CK Birla Hospital. To ensure that the entire IVF process is kept a secret from society and because of the social stigma associated with IVF, couples seeking treatment prefer specialized IVF chains over multi-speciality hospital chains.

A number of sizable, specialized IVF leaders have succeeded in making a mark on the market. In this category, Indira IVF is the frontrunner, operating over 115 centers throughout India and completing 45,000 cycles yearly. With more than 60 locations around India, Nova IVF performs 13,000 cycles a year. With more than 30 locations across six states, Gaudium IVF is among the top 5 IVF chains in the US. It executes more than 2500 cycles annually with an industry-leading success rate of 65%. The organization has a proven track record of managing high-profile cases, including one involving renowned Bollywood actress Ms. Shilpa Shetty, and complicated Multiple Attempt Patients (MAP). Furthermore, the majority of locations serve the nation’s poorer classes, but Gaudium is one of the few chains with a PAN India presence that serves the country’s upper middle class.

The founder and CEO of Gaudium IVF, Dr. Manika Khanna, said, “We are doing a fund-raise of over INR 100 crores to help couples address the challenge of infertility,” in response to a question regarding the company’s future expansion plans. Through this fundraiser, we will be able to assist infertile couples in realizing their dream of becoming parents by opening many new centers in important Indian cities and expanding our pan-Indian reach. In order to make our services more inexpensive and accessible to a larger number of patients, we have also introduced a flexible payment plan that enables customers to make payments in convenient installments.

FundTQ has been designated as the fundraising’s exclusive advisor.

India is increasingly being chosen as a destination for IVF treatments due to the country’s expanding medical tourism industry. The only chain with numerous foreign accreditations and a sizable patient base from outside is Gaudium.

Dr. Manika goes on to say, “We want to position India as a desirable location for these specialized procedures, and the country has a far higher success rate than other nations.” The Gaudium brand connects strongly with global standards, superior medical care, and success rates, enabling us to positively impact the lives of childless couples everywhere. India’s IVF market is expected to grow because its costs are a tenth of those of other countries.

Due to the potential for future growth, the IVF industry has seen a rise in consolidations. Examples of these transactions include the majority acquisition of Indira IVF by Baring PE Asia EQT, the acquisition of IVIRMA, a Spanish IVF center, by PE giant KKR, and an investment in Ovation Fertility by Morgan Stanley Capital Partners. In a similar vein, Prelude Fertility, which has had Lee Equity support since 2016, collaborated with Inception Fertility to establish what it claims to be the biggest supplier of all-inclusive reproductive therapies in the United States.

India is raising the fertility flag in a world where it can be difficult to determine whether to use family planning. With worldwide recognized art facilities and jaw-droppingly successful lab equipment, India is quickly becoming as the world’s IVF hotspot.

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